Also stopped by the Vera Project where they also had some kind of fair. Rhea got her shirt printed and i got the back of my hoodie too. The place is an awesome all ages DIY space. We met with some of the volunteers there and they seem very nice. I gave a CD to the guy at the front, Dustin. It was the 5-song EP that we recorded as Magick Bitches. We also went to a lot of other awesome venues, namely the Josephine in Ballard where i saw this band called Love Tan rock the house. We also went to a gathering of DIY labels around Seattle/Olympia area at The Healthy Times Fun Club over at Capitol Hill organized by people from Hollow Earth Radio. The bands were done when we got there but we met some awesome people especially Ross, from Bicycle Records. They release mostly folk and electropop music -should be worth checking out. He is also in band called June Madrona.
Anyways, we went to lot of other places, ate a lot of good food, vegan and seafood..even raw. We were loving the weather and made sure to keep warm by imbibing booze at every stop (almost!)Our friends Bre and Katya were such great fun to hang with. It was just great to be away from LA and checking out Seattle. Our decision to change our band name has a lot to do with the wonderful people and the amazing experience we had over there with their all-ages DIY community -i hate having to explain it over and over again. M_A-G-I-C-K-O-R-C-H-I-D-S!
We are just happy to be back and glad to be in time to be able to experience an amazing mind-blowing Wilderness show last night at The Echo...If you never heard of should!
and btw, guess what Rhea brought back with her from Seattle...
CLUE: bleep..ngoorkk..bzzzt...teeet...pffft...zooom...