We just made limited copies of a recording we did at The Funhouse last week. Its called "The East Shall Shake The West Awake", a reverse connotation of a phrase from James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake. It is around forty minutes long and the track is dedicated to the rise of this generation's attenuated attention span and how that has affected our perceptions of the world around us. Josh Crampton from Luna IS Honey plays saxophone on the recording and Rhea drew the cover art. You can get it at our shows usually for free but if you feel like contributing to our Northwest Tour Fund, then feel free to do so by clicking on the "Add To Cart" button on the right side of this page. We are still gonna finish the recordings we did with Piry which has been put on hold since we have been playing so many shows and I'm currently working on getting the tape done by the end of the month. Also the new Open-Minded zine just came out with a Bastidas interview and other interesting writings from Rhea's head. We should have copies at shows too. If not, feel free to ask.
Playing at Riverside last Sunday was fun. Though we've never really been around Downtown Riverside, it seemed like a really cool place to check out especially the space where we played called Pharaohs Den, an amazing music and art space ran by Juan and I think, many other volunteers. There seems to be a lot of interesting music happening around there and we were so excited to play there with our friends from LA. They had an art show going on and we had a viewing of the short film Lis Bomb just finished working on which featured Cheech and Chong doing Tron (for reals yo!) It was pretty trippy with all the graphics and all just like the rest of the night. And yeah the gay bar downstairs was pretty happening too. Riverside is trippy, man but we loved it.