Anyways, we are playing tonite at this new venue that our friends Josh and Isaac are starting. Its called Pantheon. Its gonna be in a spot called Tony's. Its actually near where we used to live on 7th and Santa Fe. We'll be playing with Cobalt Cranes and Voice On Tape and Sean Pineda. We play at 10:30 PM.
Also here is something for you..since you managed to click on this blog and read.

He who hopes to grow in spirit
will have to free himself from obedience and respect.
He'll hold to some laws
but mostly he'll violate
both law and custom, and go beyond
the established, inadequate norm.
Sexual pleasure will have much to teach him.
He won't be afraid of the destructive act:
half the house will have to come down.
This way he'll grow virtuously into wisdom.
—C. P. Cavafy