Hey kiddos! Check out Magick Orchids' performance at Frank Moore's Shaman's Den that we did at the beginning
of our Northwest Tour last August. They just archived the performance at the links posted below. Just don't mind it
if we sound like such dorks -we are never good with these interview chu-chus but we always do our best. This was truly
a great experience! We will also be releasing a CD of these recordings with Frank Moore playing piano/vox, before the
end of the year. We are calling it "THE SEA ABOVE AND THE SKY BELOW" with cover art made by Michael Labash
who does a lot of art for Frank. Also if you have time, do check out most of the archived stuff at LUVER. They have
lots of interesting shit that can titillate your senses!

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives
Magick Orchids
Listen to the performance:
Listen to the conversation: