We played quite some interesting shows over the long weekend. We played a very psychedelic set with Josh from Luna Is Honey on sweet sweet saxophone at the Silver Factory Studios on Sunday. Thanks to Manhattan Murder Mystery for hooking us up with this show. The place is open until dusk meets dawn, so we got to play for vampires and werewolves. On Monday, we drove all the way to Long Beach to play the Not Robot Not Human show at Puka Bar, apparently some miscommunication with the venue almost didn't make the show happen, however, Kyle from NHNR, managed to take care of things and everything went on smoothly. Really interesting acts that night, POLTERN, WHITE LEOPARD, and XDUGEF, who spooked the hell out of Rhea. We are glad to meet such interesting people doing interesting things, exploring the wide spectrum of sounds and noises. Heres some images to gaze at..

images taken by Andrew and Bre and Magick Orchids