We have currently updated our tour dates to fit our crazy schedule. Any help that you can give us whether its contacts, shows at venues you are involved with, house shows, instore performances, art gallery openings, college radio shows, suggestions, a place to crash and take a shower will be much appreciated. We prefer to pay at all-ages spaces and venues but we are pretty much flexible with whatever is available in your city or town. Hell, we'll even play in a barn as long as we have a power source for our instruments.
We are also planning on taking or Mobile Zine Distro on the road. We just recently got a big hefty amount of zines donated to our library by Jen from Eagle Rock. We are so grateful for her decision to let us have her extensive collection of wonderful zines. We are also gonn have zines that we've made for sale or for trade and we are soon gonna start to carry zines and comix and books by independent publishers. We are still figuring out the website stuff. Anyways, if you have any zines or books and are interested to have us distribute it or just have it archived in our zine library please contact us.
Anyways, here are the new dates for the West Coast Tour. We are planning on going with Yes Deer! and Hellomynameischad however we are not sure if we will be able to play all the shows together. We are trying our best to get this together. I hate being repetitive but again, if there is anything yu can do to help please do so. Email us at magickmagickmagick@gmail.com.
Aug 6 2009 Los Angeles, California
Aug 7 2009 Santa Barbara, California
Aug 8 2009 San Luis Obispo, California
Aug 9 2009 Oakland, California
Aug 10 2009 Sacramento, California
Aug 11 2009 Redding, California
Aug 12 2009 Eugene, Oregon
Aug 14 2009 Portland, Oregon
Aug 15 2009 Olympia, Washington
Aug 16 2009 Seattle, Washington
Aug 17 2009 Seattle, Washington
Aug 18 2009 Portland, Oregon
Aug 19 2009 Eureka, California
Aug 20 2009 San Francisco, California
Aug 21 2009 Santa Cruz, California
Aug 22 2009 Los Angeles, Califonia
Aug 24 2009 Long Beach, California